In this folder, delete or RENAME two files, LogitechGKey.dll and LogitechLed.dll.Go to: C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\solutions\lol_game_client_sln\releases\x.x.x.xxx (folder with LARGEST number IE\deploy.The file is split into sections, look for the line and paste "LogitechSupport=0" (without the quotes) directly below it and save, all done. To edit it, open it in a plain text editor like Notepad. The file game.cfg is located within the Config folder found in the League of Legends directory, the full default path is C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Config\game.cfg. If you use any Logitech peripherals and have drivers installed they can cause League of Legends to crash rather frequently so you’ll want to apply this fix that Riot didn’t explain very clearly. If you are having problems with your League crashing immediately after champion select and you have logitech software I HAVE THE FIX FOR YOU, also if you are experiencing this problem and don't have any Logitech products, it wouldn't hurt to try it too!Įdit4: Logitech hardware support can now be disabled by adding “LogitechSupport=0” to the “General” section in your game.cfg